
Showing posts from March, 2017


Just checking in here to conduct some edits to this page. Gotta make sure everything sounds about right.

A visit to an old family cemetery...

It was just yesterday that I took a trip up to an old cemetary. Vaughn Cemetary as us locals call it, was established between 1834 and 1848 when the first interment took place there. In this graveyard, you'll see an obelisk like gravestone of a Virgina born man by the name of Thomas Cooper. He came down with Andrew Jackson to Pensacola, and in 1834, established a community that was known at the time as Durant's Bluff and is known today as Molino. From what I've read, Mr. Cooper constructed a sawmill, right off the Escambia River which is less than a mile from the location of this old graveyard. I visited that site with members of a local  a historical  society when they got an invitation for a tour from a archeology team to  team to do so. Mr. Cooper also built a grist mill on a stream known today as Wilder's Branch, which just happens to be an estimated 50 yards from here. I wouldn't mind finding remnants to that old grist mill though. Anyway, this old cemetary is

Sometime Soon

Not today, probably not tomorrow, but eventually, I'll venture out, deep into the woods to mess around in a site where a lumber company used to be located back in the old days. Pictures will show areas of where a company office, artesian well, electric light plant, boiler room, planer mill, dry kilns, and a sawmill used to be.

Out in the Wilderness

A little while ago, I ventured off, but not deep into the woods. I figured that I would walk around and find things to take pictures of. When I head out, I'll usually snap a lot of pictures, but I only keep a few good ones, and then I'll discard the other ones, or I'll store them away. Here are some that I took. Sometimes, it difficult to just only post one or a few, so I'll do it in a series.

A Historical Preservation Loss

In the year of  1909,  a one-room school was built in a location in my community . This building was constructed at a size of 22x32x12 feet and was put in place at an amount of $423.10.  This little red school house was left neglected to the elements, which caused the building to deteriorate. And sadly, this structure was too far gone to attempt restoration efforts, and it was eventually torn down by the land owner. So much for historical preservation.

Old Glass Items

                                                                     Telephone Pole Insulators                                 While exploring in a wooded area following alongside the railroad tracks, there are a few abandoned telephone poles left in place from the old hay days. My dad once told me that back in his day, him along with his buddies used to throw rocks at those old poles to see who could knock off those insulators. Well, I went out there and looked around the area. I just happened to see one of those old poles hiding in the woods, so I entered through the woodline to explore. While glancing around and scanning the ground for anything interesting, I just happened to spot a piece of glass resting in a pile of fallen leaves. The next thing that I just happened to find, hiding under a little green plant, and surrounded by leaves was indeed, a glass insulator. Except in the picture you can see grass. This picture was taken afterwards. I didn't take an actual photo o

From time to time

Every now and then, I like to visit the river to look out at the water. I find it relaxing and it clears my mind from stress.  Here you can see that the river is low. After a good rainfall, I'll usually check back to see the river again... And here, you can see that the river has risen... Usually the water level is only halfway to the middle of the old bridge piling. And at times it usually submerges the entire structure.

Hello there

Sometimes I like to just sit outside and find things to take pictures of. Here, I captured me a little squirl. I always liked those little tree rats. Reminds me of when I used to have two pet squirls named Rocky & Rosey.